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I was sitting out on my patio today and was thinking about the changing seasons. This time of year, is my favorite season-fall. The coolness which quenches the heat and humidity of summer-the beautiful colors that burst out in the trees-the smell of apple cider-the taste of apple cider donuts, yum! These are all tastes-smells-eye “candy” that God so abundantly gives us in the fall. But what I want us to think about today, are the “seasons” in our lives that are just as glorious. Let’s look at them together.
SPRINGTIME-We are young, trying to discover who we are and what we want for our future. We start our families, (oops! Get married first of course), and we have started the course of our lives, making choices that will lead us in a certain direction. Everything is fresh, new and alive!
SUMMER-This is a time when our families are growing. The time when we are so busy. Some women are able to stay home to raise their babies. Others choose or have to work outside the home. Either is within God’s vision for our lives. Either one is so full and busy. There are just not enough hours in the day to be with-do for-or spend quality time with friends and family!
FALL-Many choices during this season, can affect who we are. A time when our children start out on their own and we have all the normal worries that creates. In my life, a time when I started losing those I loved through them moving away or through death.
WINTER-This season of our lives, is a time for reflection. A time to look back at our life and wonder why did I do this or that. A time to thank the Lord for the blessings He has given us through the years. Our muscles and bones ache & we feel like we are “falling apart.” Some just sit back and let time pass them by. It is ok to do some of that, but it is also a time to keep doing service for the Lord. Of course, it might take a little longer and we might have to make a list, because we are forgetful, but we have so much to offer others.
Whatever season you might be in, God has blessed you with many talents that need to be used and shared with others.
Me, personally, I am in between fall and winter. I have been looking back at my life and reflecting on each season. I have not always done what I should or could, but have tried to use what God had given me at that time, in that season, in that trial for His glory.
My dad just, within the last few months, sold his five thousand square foot house and has moved closer to be with family. What a tiring and emotional journey that has been! We found tubs and tubs of pictures and slides! I have taken it upon myself to go through thousands of pictures. (The slides will be for another time.) I am pulling out all of the black and white pictures that I can find of times and people from the past. Relatives from the past who have helped to shape our lives now and for the future. When I look into this memory bank of pictures, I remember all the amazing happy times of joy when my kids were young. Times when my grandparents, my husband and my mother were alive. But in the midst of those happy times, my mind wandered to the times of hard gut-wrenching memories too. There was a time when I feared for my life-when we lost our home to foreclosure and went through bankruptcy-when my husband was in and out of the hospital, at least two to three times a month-when he was in a two year, twenty four seven, deep depression-and then the pain of loosing him in the middle of a surgery that was meant to ease his pain and give him a brighter future-the memories of my mother and all she went through before she passed away.
There are so many joys and sorrows of my life journey, that I want to share with you, my dear friends. Thus, the creation of this blog. I want to share with you to help navigate you through the seasons of your life. I want you to realize that with the hope of an eternal home with God, you will be able to put one step in front of the other when you think it is just too hard. I want you to not listen to all those worldly voices that tell you that you are not good enough-not smart enough-not pretty enough. Because you ARE all of those things! You are a daughter of the one and only King-God. What freedom that gives you to be able to live your life.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 reads, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” This verse has given me the strength and encouragement to step out in faith to share my life stories with you.
We are all truly the same inside. We seek motivation-we search for love-we want to share our lives with someone who truly cares! Well, guess what! Whether we actually have someone in our lives or not who gives us all of that, we are only one prayer away from someone who motivates, loves and truly cares for us. I am talking about the one and only God! He gives us strength to face a new day. He helps us to realize if we just reach out to others in service to Him, that He will give us confidence to live one more minute, to take one more step and to share with others all He has to give us. We are truly a daughter of the King!
I hope you will visit my blog again. I am just starting this journey and hope you will follow me on this adventure of my life! I am very technologically challenged. (thanks for spell check for that spelling!) The strength and the knowledge from my young friend, Kristin, is the reason I am able to get this going.
Thank you for sharing your precious time with me. My prayer is that you will be motivated, inspired, encouraged through the stories I share about my life experiences, no matter what season of life you are in.
God bless! Till next time!