Tears ran down my face, like the hard rain against a window pane. I was standing in front of my husband’s grave. It is about two hours south of where I live now. I do not visit but a couple of times a year. Of course, I feel sad when I visit. But this cry was not a cry of sadness because my husband has been gone for ten years this October; but rather a cry, from the gut, deep inside. Why was I crying? Weeds had grown in between the graves to such an extent that it looked like a weed patch where no one cared. The rest of the little graveyard looked really nice. It had been mowed and tended to, but they do not keep up the area that my husband’s family are buried, in between the graves.
About two months after my husband and I got married, his family bought a family plot. The plot is in a cemetery out of town on a gravel road. At the time, I was just barely eighteen years old, a newlywed, and here we were buying a place to be buried in. Why did we need to be thinking about this at such a precious age? But, as a good newlywed does, I agreed to getting us two spaces. (Later, when my husband passed away, I was very thankful we had done that so many years earlier. That was one less thing that I had to think about in the middle of my grief.)
Years ago, when my husband’s parents passed away and were buried, my husband’s sister, planted all kinds of flowers, plants and even a little tree in the middle of the grave plot. The people who care for the graveyard were told, by her, to leave in between the graves alone because she would care for it. She and her husband tended to it while they were alive. They would come to the sight and throw a blanket down over her parent’s graves and have a picnic. She visited a lot tending to her “little garden.” I personally, thought it was way too much, but she took care of it, so never said anything about it to her.
But now, because there is no one who tends to the tree, roses, flowers and now huge weeds, it looked like an uncared-for mess! My son, who has to travel to Arkansas for work from time to time, goes by and tries to care for it a bit and makes sure my husband and my headstone are in good shape, but he has not been traveling as much, and it has gotten overgrown.
I know that having weeds overgrowing the area, is not the most important thing but it still hit me hard. Memorial Day is coming and I felt so sad that people would look at the site and think there was no one who cared for the people who are buried there. We put a Bible verse on my husband and my tombstone, but you could not even see it because of the growth. You cannot see the picture of he and I on our 25th wedding anniversary that we had included on the stone.
Doesn’t it seem that weeds around our house can grow so quickly? We have had so much rain in the last few days. I am sure there are a lot of weeds around my house, that I will need to tend to after the rain stops. They “pop” up so quickly, even before we realize it.
By now, you are probably wondering where I am going with this blog post. Bear with me. Ever since getting back from that visit to the graveyard, I have been thinking about the “weeds” we have in our lives. The sins in our lives that can slowly grow if we do not “pull them out of our hearts” before they get out of hand. Before they become such a part of our everyday lives that before we know it, those “weeds” overtake our hearts and minds. “Weeds” that intertwine with other “weeds” until there is just a jumbled-up mess, we have gotten ourselves into.
There are some powerful verses in the Old Testament that talk about some “weeds” that can overtake our lives. These verses tell us six things that the Lord hates and lists one that is an abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 6:16-19 reads, “These six things the Lord hates. Yes, seven are an abomination to Him. A proud look. A lying tongue. Hands that shed innocent blood. A heart that devises wicked plans. Feet that are swift in running to evil. A false witness who speaks lies. And one who sows discord among brethren.” Let’s look at each one of these. Proud look-a person who thinks they can do everything themselves without God’s help. Lying tongue-a person who does not speak the truth. Sheds innocent blood-a murderer. Heart who devises wicked plans-every thought is evil and they plan how to use these thoughts for evil. Feet that hurry to do evil-a person who does not think before doing evil, has no conscience. False witness who lies-a person who gossips and lies about what they have heard. Then the last one, is an abomination or the feelings of disgust or repulsion, is a person who sows discord between people of like faith. I certainly do not want to be convicted of doing anything the Lord hates, let alone anything that is an abomination to Him! There are so many people who do not believe that God can get angry with us. These “weeds” and so many others, can overtake our thinking and cause us to do things that are against all that God wants for our lives. 1 John 4:8 tells us that “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” God loves even a person who might do one or all of the above sins. He is always ready with arms spread out wide for them to turn from their evil ways. God sent His only Son to spread out His arms on a cross for us, to save us from all the “weeds” that are around us everyday and give us hope of an eternal home with him when we die.
Weeds can overtake an unkept area very quickly. “Weeds” in our lives can sneak up on us and before we know it, we have been overtaken by evil thoughts and can become guilty of a sin that the Bible tells us is something that God hates. God does not hate the person, but the acts or lives that a person can be overtaken in before they know it. We cannot let the devil sneak up on us and lead us down a path away from God.
My sons and grandsons are going to the cemetery and pull up those nasty weeds and clean it up so that mess of jumbled weeds does not overtake the area again. Yank out that tree so that those roots don’t overtake the area or do damage to the stones.
Likewise, when we have “weeds” in our lives that have taken root in our hearts and grows, we need to stop that growth and “yank” them out of our hearts before the sin buries the person God has meant for us to be.
So, get those weeds cleaned up that are overtaking your garden. Get those “weeds” of our hearts cleaned up and out. God has a much better plan for you!
Till next time! Keela