Have you ever thought that God created you for a purpose? My purpose is not your purpose! Your purpose is not my purpose! Has God given us one purpose or has He given us many purposes? Have you realized your purpose? Do we even realize when we are fulfilling our purpose? Is that important? What if we fail to act upon something that fills our heart, that was one of our purposes? Too many questions you are thinking!
The word purpose in Webster’s dictionary means: “an object or result aimed at.” Sometimes, we can see clearly a certain purpose that God has given us. Let me give you an example in my life. The church I attend, several years ago, went through a huge transition of people leaving for various reasons, some passed away and some people moved elsewhere. But then, new people started coming and placing membership at church. I think back to the difficult ten-year span of my life when my husband was sick and all the challenges that faced us. Many of the people who attended church back then, helped me through those years. I can think of so many who have passed away that were my strength and encouragement. There are several amazing friends who have moved out of state, who were there for me and also for my husband. They made me laugh in the midst of the turmoil and reminded me that God was always by my side. They were amazing friends to my husband and gave him some peace. They helped push the pain out, by me being able to talk to them about what was going on. They just sat and listened to me, I knew that they would not turn around and gossip. I miss all of them so much! (If there are any of you reading this, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to help us during that difficult time.)
As I mentioned, there have been so many new faces and families now that have become my church family. I had a “light bulb moment” a few years ago. I realized that maybe I was in their lives right now to help them with challenges that they may be facing! Wow! I had many God given purposes during my difficult years that I can look back now and see, but now maybe this is a God given purpose for right now in my life! A purpose to give peace, hope, clarity and encouragement for others! Thus, starting my blog and publishing my new ladies Bible class book, “God’s Beauty Plan.”
There is a book in the Old Testament called Esther. It is a quick read, only ten chapters. It is full of so many lessons. It is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God, but He is everywhere within the book! This is the story of an orphan girl named Esther, who was raised by her cousin, Mordecia. Through a series of events, she becomes queen of the King Xerxes, of Persia. Esther was a Jew, but did not tell the king. As in most good stories, there was a bad guy named Haman. As prime minister of Persia, everyone was to bow down before him when he passed. Esther’s cousin, Mordecia, refused to do so. This made Hamen so angry that he asked Xerxes to command that all the Jews in this region, be annihilated (old, young, little children, male and female.)
When queen Esther, found out about this, (through Mordecia) she was urged by him to go before the king and plead for the salvation of the Jewish race in this region. You and I might think how easy that would be to go before your husband and talk to him. But during this time in history, she could be killed if the king had not called her. Esther 4:11 “…any man or woman who goes into the inner court to the king, who has not been called, he has but one law; put all to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter that he may live.” Mordecai said in verse 13-14 “…do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for SUCH A TIME AS THIS?” Mordecai was telling her that she would be put to death, just like all the other Jews. But he had faith in his heart that God would deliver the Jews during this time, whether Esther had courage to go before the king or not. The next part touches my heart deeply and should yours as well-he says, for SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Mordecai is telling her, maybe she had been put into this situation, by God, to fulfill His purposes in her life!
Wow! Think about that! Have you been born during this time in history, to fulfill one of God’s purposes? Maybe God is calling you to step out of our comfort zone and reach out in courage. Maybe your faith is being tested. Maybe you need to exercise your faith in order to fulfill God’s purpose or purposes. Is there something in your life you have felt you needed to do or get done and you keep putting it off? Maybe it is as simple as a card, a call, a meal to a family having a hard time, inviting a neighbor to church services, a visitor made to feel welcome or a hospital visit made. There are many simple things we can do that maybe are fulfilling our purpose given by God. But maybe there are also “larger” things we are meant to accomplish, but are held back by our lack of courage and faith! Do you have anything that has been tugging at your heart and you are scared to take that first step? In my life, getting in front of women to give a speech or teach a class, is definitely out of my comfort zone! But “God nudged me” and now, I know that my experiences can and do help other women to have hope, thru God, in the middle of their daily challenges.
Are you being held back by your lack of faith? Maybe you were put in this church to fulfill a purpose that God has given you. If you think about all of the people in the world and all of the years, that have been and will be, our lives are just a small speck in God’s history of time. Let’s remember, it is no accident you were born at this time in history, in a particular church family, in a specific job or in a specific person’s life. God has a purpose or purposes for each and every one of us! Don’t let a lack of faith and courage stop you from fulfilling those God given purposes. Don’t let a lack of confidence in yourself hold you back. If God brings you to it, He will help you through it! You are important! God created you! Every day is important! Have faith to step out in a God-given confidence knowing He is right there with you! And just as Mordecai told Esther, God may have created you “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!”
Till next time! Keela