In Mark 5, we read of a man named Jarius whose 12-year-old daughter was dying. He came to Jesus begging Him to go to his daughter to help her live. While on this journey to save Jarius daughter, we read of a woman with “…a flow of blood…” She had this for 12 years! (I thought it kind of interesting that she had this ailment as long as Jarius daughter had been alive. Just thinking!) Read Leviticus 15:19-30. Women were considered impure, during that certain time of month. But she had this for 12 years! Her uncleanness continued this whole time. She could not touch anyone or anything without cleaning and had to go to the priest and have him offer sacrifice for her at the end of her monthly flow of blood. But she had not had an end; she continued unclean, year after year. As a woman, I cannot even fathom how embarrassing-how isolating-how painful-how abandoned-how alone-how rejected-how destitute-how broken-how ashamed-how desperate-how frustrated she must have felt. She had to have felt defined by her illness. It controlled her life in what she could and could not do. I am sure she was most likely anemic, fatigued and worn out physically. (Of course, her flow must not have been heavy or she would have died because of the loss of so much blood.) But needless to say, she was limited in who she could interact with and what she could do or touch. Verse 26 says she “…had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.” She had many expensive treatments trying to find healing, but she ended up getting worse. I read a commentary that one treatment the doctors would use at this time in history, was to carry the ashes of an ostrich egg and that could heal you. I imagine if we were in her shoes, we would have tried about anything too.
Verse 24, says “…a great multitude followed Him and thronged Him.” I envision it like being at a conference or a concert with a lot of people. I have been to many where the crowd is shoulder to shoulder in the concourse. This unnamed woman, had deep faith in Jesus and pushed her way through this crowd to get to Jesus. According to law, everyone she touched became unclean. She felt if she could just touch Jesus’ garment, she would be healed. She was disobeying law by touching others and would even make Jesus unclean by touching His garment. Yet she knew Jesus had healed so many and she was desperate, through her faith, to touch His clothes. She knew that through Jesus she had hope! The hope of an unrestricted future! If only we could have that much faith. There are so many times in my life, I have tried so hard to solve an issue within my human realm. There was one time, I just did not have the money to pay my water bill. The water department did not want to hear my “sob story.” If I didn’t pay, they would turn my water off. I went to a relative and they did not have the money. I went home and through many tears, I prayed to God to help us. I didn’t know what to do. The next day, an unexpected check was in the mail. I was able to pay the water bill. Does that happen every time we don’t have hope of solving an issue in our lives? Of course not. But I think back to it and wonder why I did not go to my heavenly Father in the first place. Isn’t it human nature to try to figure things out ourselves and then when we are exhausted from worry and stress, we turn to Him? Just like a father watching his child trying to put together a Lego set. The child is struggling but does not want any help. But then when the child realizes that he needs help, he turns to his father.
Do we feel Jesus is the last resort? Even though, the answer is not as evident, like in my water bill, and the answer might be no-still trust God that He has your best interests for you-He is your only answer and hope-not our last resort! In the illustration about the woman with blood issue, she had spent all the money she had-tried many treatments-she had even gotten worse. But then she realized and had faith and hope that Jesus could heal her. She pushed her way to Him. She reached out to Him. She knew He was her only true hope. She had to put action into her faith!
Verses 29-30 say, “Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction. And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, ‘Who touched My clothes?” Did you see the word immediately, twice in that verse? As soon as she touched Jesus’ garment, her illness was gone. Jesus immediately knew that by touching His garment, someone had been healed. The disciples were like, what? Telling Jesus, He was surrounded by people. Of course, someone touched Him. I am sure there were many who needed healing in this crowd, but there was something different about the one who touched Him.
This woman was courageous and had true faith in Jesus. She was “so hungry” for Jesus and His love and power, that she pushed herself through that huge crowd. Jesus wanted to correct any mistaken notion she may have had about her healing. It was not any magical quality of His clothing, but His divine will that had made her well. Verse 33 says that she was afraid and trembling but “…she fell to the ground and told Him the whole truth.” As a woman, don’t you feel how embarrassed she was to tell Jesus everything, in front of this crowd. Jesus gave her His entire attention. Jesus tenderly called her “…daughter…” This is the only time in scripture that Jesus calls any woman, daughter. Jesus was tender and compassionate to her and her situation. Jesus makes known to her and the people around observing this, that it was because she had deep faith, that she was healed. Faith itself does not heal; rather, it is the proper object of that faith, Jesus, who heals and we have to put into action our faith by reaching out to Him.
So, what are some of the things we can learn from this story in the Bible for us today? I am sure there are many, but quickly I want to tell you two, that I see. First, she reached out to Jesus. When we are going through trials and feel helpless-hopeless-broken-abused-angry-worthless-alone-depressed- suicidal-we have to reach out to Jesus through prayer. We hold onto so much “stuff” and don’t reach out for Him. We have to come to the feet of Jesus, just like this woman did, and tell our truth through faith. Doesn’t God already know what we are going through anyway? He wants us to take the action of coming to Him in humility of faith. God can give you peace, so you can take one more step. Have you ever found that if you pour your heart out to Jesus in prayer, that you feel better-more peaceful. The same is true if we talk our truth to a trusted friend. When we hold those negative feelings within our hearts, those feelings will “eat us up.”
Second, how did this woman even know about Jesus? Verse 27 says “When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd…” Someone had told her or she heard someone talking about Jesus. This shows that we need to tell others about Jesus. There are so many “things” a person will turn to in the pain, if they do not have faith in Jesus. Alcohol-drugs-sex-possessions-worldly people. Those people, that someone choses to turn to, needs to be us. We need to be ready, at any time, to let others know of the light that Jesus can give them and their trial. Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus commands us to teach others and let them know of the saving grace and the love that comes from our Father. If the woman with the flow of blood, had not heard about Jesus, I wonder if she would have had this medical condition till the day she died. She would not have known how to have faith in Jesus and the fact that He has the power to save!
This woman was unnamed, but then Jesus called her “…daughter…” How comforted she must have felt! How free, she had to have felt, of all those burdens, that issue of blood had given her! We are also freed from sin through Jesus’ death on the cross. We just have to kneel before Him and honestly pour out our truth! And shine our light for others to be led to God!
This outcast woman became a precious daughter of her Lord! We, as women, are also blessed to be called a daughter of the King! What a simple touch of faith can do!
Till next time! Keela
(Oh, and by the way, Jarius’ daughter was raised from the dead!)