You’re too slow-you’re too fast! You’re too old-you’re too young! You’re too fat-you’re too skinny! You’re stupid-worthless-a nobody! Sadly, these are definitions the world gives us each and every day. We might, even be told these things by a parent or grandparent. We believe them to be true-they become engraved into our hearts making us believe these lies that are told to us. Who is actually telling us these lies? Satan. He wiggles into the TV shows we are watching or the magazine covers we are looking at, that portray a woman who is flawless and perfect. Satan wiggles into our minds when we hear harsh words that we should be something else or look a certain way, which is defined by the world. Women, especially, take these visual thoughts and words to heart and let them become truth telling us that we are just a nobody in the midst of this sinful world. This world we live in tries to define the outward beauty, that we are led to believe is the truth. The world has its own beauty plan.

But the truth is: there is a much better beauty plan! God’s beauty plan! 1 Samuel 16:7b “For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.” This verse was taking about David, when Samuel was looking for a new king. The scriptures let us know that David was actually a “hunk.” But that was not what God was interested in. God saw the beauty within his heart! Yes, this does tell me that God has created outward beauty. Think about my last post with the beautiful leaves on the tree in the fall, the sunset over the ocean, a rainbow in the cloud, the magnificent eagle, the intricate details of a flower, the smile on my new grandbaby’s face. God gave us these to enjoy. God makes beautiful creations outwardly, but we make the intricate beauty of the heart! Within our hearts we choose to believe God’s viewpoint, rather than mans. Think about yourself. Ladies, when you get ready to go to bed, you take off the makeup that you have worked so hard that morning to put on; which highlights the beauty that God has already given you. Then you look at yourself in the mirror. That is the real you-the one we are alone with-the true person of the heart! Max Lucado said “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God, that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”

God has told us, in the Bible, who we are to Him. Some of the words that God uses to define us are: chosen-precious-holy priesthood-strong-cherished-heir to the King-adored-loved-worthy-wanted-virtuous-priceless-a daughter of the King. Proverbs 31:30 says “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

God made you special! God made you unique! God made you loved! God made you-you! When we look in the mirror, we see broken-we see sadness-we see loss-we see ugly-we see useless-we see sinful! When God looks at us, He sees loved-He sees healed-He sees beauty-He sees joy-He sees His daughter-He sees what He has done for us by giving His only Son to die on the cross for our sins to heal all our brokenness! God’s beauty plan is for us to shine brightly from within so others can see Him. God’s beauty plan is for us to be confident -strong and to be able to stand up for Him in the midst of this chaotic world. We must realize how to feel, and put into action, the power that God wants us to have within us to fight whatever Satan tries to make us believe about ourselves.

Don’t listen to the lies of this world, no matter what you have gone through or been told about yourself! We were created to glorify God! We are to be a light into this very dark world! Many years ago, my husband, daughter and I, rode a tram into a cave. At one point, the lights were turned off. They were only off for a second or two, but I felt panic. The tour guide lit a candle. Where do you think all eyes went to? You are correct-right to that light! It made me feel safe and gave me peace! That is what God’s light shining out from us does. That light gives hope and peace in this chaotic, dark world. But in order to have that light shining from within us for others to see, we must realize how valuable we are to God. We must learn that our beauty plan, should be how God sees us, not how the world does. That true beauty plan is “God’s Beauty Plan.”

 (These thoughts were taken from my twelve-week ladies Bible class study called “God’s Beauty Plan.” It will be published the first of 2019. Some of the lessons are: “My Face in the Mirror,” “Cleanser-Forgiveness,” “Lipstick-Mouth,” “Wrinkle Cream-Worry,” “Vitamins-Depression.”)

We are still working on perfecting my blog. So please bear with us as we make changes as we go. My hope is to post a new message about every two weeks. May you find peace and comfort knowing that your God is right by your side every step of the way! God did not promise a life without trials, but rather tells us that this world is full of trial. But what He did promise, was that He will be right by our side, helping us up when we fall and help us to take one step at a time, one minute at a time and one second at a time.

God bless! Till next time!
