What does the phrase, counting down the days mean to you? I have heard that phrase several times lately, especially coming to the end of another year. People cannot wait till this year is over, hoping that 2022 will be rid of this covid and hope of better days. They hope that their finances will improve-they will find a job-the cancer will be gone-the mental and physical pain will be better-their addiction will be controlled-an upcoming wedding-a new baby will be born-retirement is coming. After having my total knee replacement surgery, I am counting down the days that I can maneuver around without this crazy walker and the painful exercises will be done.  I am, also, counting down the days till December 19th. My daughter and family get here on that day! I have not seen them since last Thanksgiving and that is way too long. My little ones grow up way too fast for me to not see them but once a year. I usually, until covid, have gone twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. But I am hoping, counting down the days till next year, that I can get back on that schedule.

There is another counting down of the days that we should do. When God will come to bring judgement to us all and we can go to heaven to be with Him forever. I admit I am not wanting that to happen until I see my grandbabies. But, as I prayed before I went under anesthesia with my surgery, that if it was God’s will and I passed away during it, that God would take me home. (I will admit, though that I said, but I really want to see my babies one more time. Well, evidently, I made it!) We have a precious older soul at church that is definitely counting down the days. He has wanted to leave this painful earth and go to be with his Lord for so long. He does not understand why God has not taken him yet. He is definitely counting down the days, looking forward to that day with fervor.

We count down the days to be able to go home to heaven with our Lord but do we really want that time to come? Are we ready for that to come? Do you have that hope of heaven if you pass away today, maybe within the next second? If the answer to that is no, then it is time to stop counting down the days and actually become a child of God, so you can shine your light to others so they will see your love for the Lord and they want that too. None of us know when it will be our last breath.

The Bible is just full of verses about this subject. I will only quote one series of verses here to make you think about time and that we should be counting down the days till we leave this earth and go to live with our Father. We need to be prepared. God has promised us this eternal life with Him, if we are obedient and live our lives for Him. When God promises something will happen, you can be sure that it will!

2 Peter 3:8-13 “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?  Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.”

Am I looking forward to happenings in the future? Of course! That is our human need to see the future in a positive way. But I also, without fear, need to look forward to the day the Lord comes to take me to heaven. We are not assured another second. But we are assured of heaven, “a new heavens and a new earth”, if we shine our lights to others and serve the Lord. God wants us to come to live with Him when we die. He is so patient with us. But we make choices that will determine our future after we die.

I always count down the days till New Years Eve. Right at midnight, we are into another year. We make promises to ourselves, that we will lose weight-stop drinking or smoking-stop the events that are standing in our way towards the Lord-we will read the Bible more-go to church more-talk about Him more-anything that we had been amiss the year before. This year, when midnight hits and all the fireworks are going off, we need to look at whatever has been amiss this last year and make changes, better choices.

This is the last blog of 2021 that I will write. I wish there was something profound that I can say to help you as the reader realize, that God is giving us time. He is patiently waiting for us to turn away from the world. We do not know how many days we have on this earth but we do know that when we die, we are going to a place ruled by the devil or ruled by the one and only King. Make better choices. Make changes in your life. Don’t just say you will but really mean it, so that you can be counting down the days when we are just barely a memory, a breath on this earth. God is waiting for you and me! He is waiting for us to fulfill our God given purpose.

Counting Down the Days. I had not thought of them in the context of waiting to go live with the Lord. You just can’t cross out the days on a calendar until your death. But rather fill those days with work for the Lord-being an example, shining your light!

I was counting down the days till my surgery. I was so glad to finally get it over with. I have been babying this knee about twenty years and using a walker for the last six months. It was time. I will be so thankful when my days on this earth are numbered that I will be Counting Down the Days till the Lord calls me home!

I am sure next time I write, that I will share adventures that my grandkids and I will have enjoyed. Am I counting down the days till I see that car door swinging open and I hear “Nana! Nana!”  Absolutely!! As a grandparent, there is nothing better!

Thank you for all the prayers, calls and emails I have gotten wishing me luck with my surgery. It is over and now I am in the process of the grueling exercises and therapy. I am determined to feel better and come “out the other side” of this recovery.

Fill this next year and the years to come, holding onto God’s promises of a new life one day.

I am Counting Down the Days. Are you?

Have a happy holiday season and enjoy its beauty. See you next year!

Till next time!
