Years ago, when my husband was so sick, we had so many medical bills that we fell behind on our mortgage payments. During that time, my husband started the process of getting disability retirement. It took seven months from the time he applied to the time we got the notification that he had been approved. During that seven months, he did not get his regular pay at all. My two part time jobs just did not pay all the bills. Our son helped us during that time. Friends and family helped too. One of my jobs adopted us for Christmas. But we still lost our home to foreclosure. On the day we moved, it was snowing. There were about 30 people who came to help us move with their strong arms and trucks. Dear friends, made chili and brought for all of us to take a lunch break. We had so many people helping us during those hard times, physically and spiritually.
I know it is true that everyone has had some type of help in their lives of some form or other. Think about who has been a huge help in your life. Maybe they have gotten real about a situation and helped you to see past the anger, fear or depression. During this pandemic and marches, there have been so much help given to others. It warms my heart when I see several cleaning up the streets after a riot or packing food for the many who have lost their jobs to help feed their children. When we are tested in the fire, there is always someone who will help us quench that “fire” and help us sort through the embers.
I have had a lot pressing on my heart the last couple of lengthy blogs. So, I am going to try to keep this one short. I want to remind you of two times in the Old Testament, in Moses’ life, that he was helped by someone. Read Exodus chapters 17 & 18. In chapter 17, the Israelites were complaining, (imagine that!), that they were thirsty and were going to perish if they did not get any water to drink. God told Moses what to do and water came out of a rock. These Israelites always needed a visual. Of course, God was not going to let His chosen people die of thirst! Where was their faith? This was even after the Red Sea parted and they had run from the Egyptians on dry land. God even set a protective cloud pillar between the Egyptians, who saw only darkness and the Israelites saw light.
The Amalekites came & fought the Israelites. God told Moses to go on a hilltop and raise his rod (like our walking sticks) above his head. Chapter 17 verses 11-12 reads, “And so it was when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses hands became heavy; so they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands; one and one side and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.” Sometimes we have to do hard things. Sometimes we just don’t feel like we can go on and the burdens of life are too heavy. We have help from the Lord through our friends and family. They are who helps us to see the “real” of the situation. They help us to take a breath. They help us to get past the pain. They listen! They support us!
In the 18th chapter of Exodus, we see another time that Moses got some help. Moses was a judge. The Israelites came to him from morning to night, for Moses to judge them. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, saw all that Moses did for the people. He said, “What is this thing that you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit; and all the people stand before you from morning to evening.” Moses told Jethro“…the people come to inquire of God. When they have a difficulty, they come to me, and I judge between one and another, and I make known the statutes of God and His laws.” I won’t quote all that Jethro said to his son-in-law, but I particularly like the verses 17-19. “…The thing that you do is not good. Both you and these people who are with you, will surely wear yourself out. For this thing is too much for you; you are not able to perform it by yourself. Listen now to my voice, I will give you counsel, and God will be with you.” Jethro goes on to tell Moses to get men to help him. To spread out this huge undertaking. There were about a million Israelite men, women and children. He encouraged Moses to take care of the huge matters, but give the smaller problems to these other men. Verse 22 says “…so it will be easier for you, for they will bear the burden with you.” Moses, did what Jethro said. Wow, to have a father-in-law or mother-in-law, who could give you loving direction and you actually, do not become defensive, and take it! This shows the family bond that Moses had with Jethro. Moses was willing to listen and Jethro was willing to give loving advice, because he was concerned that Moses had taken too much on himself.
These two examples show me that we all need help from time to time. We all need to be real with each other, (in a loving manner), when we see another under a lot of burdens or stress. If we see a friend or family needing help, do what you can to help them. We as the receiver of the help, need to let them help hold us up-listen to advice and realize that they are just trying to give you support.
Years ago, it was so hard to let others know about what we were going through. But when I let go and opened up about my troubles, I had help during that very difficult time in my life. Some prayers were not answered like I thought they should be, but then as I look back, I see that they were actually answered in so many different better ways than I expected.
When you hear the word, help, we think of someone or something, in distress. Maybe needing some guidance. There are many other examples in the Bible that I could tell you about, that give us the assurance that it is ok to accept help from others. This world is so full of sin and dangers lurking around every corner. Let others help you! It makes them feel good to help and be able to serve. In turn, when you see or feel someone is burdened, physically or spiritually, reach out and help!
During this difficult time in our country, there are many chances for you to lend a helping hand. If you need some help, reach out. God will send those who can help you. Just like Moses, from time to time, we all need a helping hand and loving advise when it is too hard for us to do on our own.
Help is a small word, but filled with huge rewards!
Till next time! Keela