Hope in the Chaos


We still are in the pandemic of the coronavirus. We have been dealing with this invisible war for several months. We have seen loss of life-jobs-income-having to get into a huge line just to get donated food because children are going hungry. If that wasn’t enough, now we are seeing another type of war, in some cities.  People’s anger is exploding into chaos. The peaceful protests and marches have turned into the actions of burning buildings-cars and looting. Have you noticed that the peaceful marches are during the day-in the light, and the chaos, sinfulness are under the cover of night-in the darkness?

The things that have been done by some, are covering up the real issues why the protests were started in the first place. When I see the picture of the police officer with his knee on the neck of a human being, I have cried. How can anyone do such a thing to someone who is pleading for help, because he cannot breathe and ends up being murdered, while others watch? It is truly an outrage and reason for a march against this injustice! I am so thankful that I live in a country where we are allowed to have marches and protests against injustice. There are countries that would not allow this and kill the protesters right there where they are standing for no other reason than they live in a country that is not God fearing!

I have been feeling a lot of different emotions during the virus and the current looting and burning. These are some of the emotions I have been feeling and how I have decided to choose to have hope in the middle of the chaos. First, I want to list the emotions that are in my mind and heart.

  • FEAR    When I am facing an invisible force waiting to come into my physical body, by just a breath, I am fearful. I have been taking precautions the best I can. I have been spraying every surface that my son has touched when he comes home from work. Been very careful to wipe everything down that we have gotten from the store. This in itself, has helped me to not want to get out unless I have to. But, think about it, there is no 100% way to be safe from this vapor of air that threatens us. I have been fearful of the anger causing looting and burning of property. These poor business owners, regardless of who they are, have had a hard time because of the virus. They have had to close their business and employees are without a job. And then, their business is burned to the ground. How can they survive? These fears take my breath away!
  • WORRY    Our country seems like it is at war. Against an invisible and physical war. Most of the protestors, that I have seen on tv, have had masks on, but then there are many others who do not. They are all clustered together-not six feet apart. I am worried that the virus is going to get worse, just as it had started slowing down and not affecting as many. Even with business starting to reopening slowly, the number of deaths has been going down. But because there are so many protests throughout this country, will the sick be spiraling upward again? This fear grabs my heart and I feel that heaviness in my chest.
  • HELPLESS   Have you thought that the coronavirus and the chaos we are seeing on our streets in our county, were both caused by one person or happening? The virus that has spread all over this earth, started somewhere by someone. Look at what the actions of one person has caused throughout our country now! I think about this and how much power one person can have and, by their actions, can cause so much destructive and painful results. What power do I have over this? I feel helpless and this makes me so sad!
  • ANGER     It is so hard for me to understand the mindset of people who think it is ok to throw rocks, destroy property, write hurtful things thru graffiti and go into businesses and loot and steal. These people do not have the love of God in their hearts. Rather the peaceful people marching realize that these actions do not bring any change. All of these actions seem to be hiding the real reason for the right of the protestors to show their disgust and injustice of what has happened. I feel anger towards those people who are doing hurtful things. What gives them the right to do that? I feel so negative and angry towards them!
  • GRIEF     There have been so many lives lost to death during this virus. Everyday more people pass away. Our lives will never go back to the way they were. I feel the grief of those who have not had the chance to tell their loved ones, who are in the hospital dying, goodbye and hold their hand. How does a person get past that type of grief?  I was with my mother when she left this world, holding her hand. I am so blessed that I was there by her bedside. That type of grief can be so overwhelming! Sometimes, I just want to just sit and stare into space and let the tears flow.

Well, I just want to thank you for reading through all these negative emotions I have been having. I am normally a very positive person. I think it is time to share with you what I have reminded myself over and over again, that helps me to find answers through the negative storms that go through my mind. We will look at some Bible verses and then see how much we feel the burden of-fear, worry, helplessness, anger and grief-lift from our hearts. I know that these emotions cannot ever be gone forever, but when they do, “rare their ugly heads,” we will hopefully remember to look towards God and His messages and promises.

  • PRAY     Well of course, we know to do that, but do we? Do we turn to God during all things? When we have seen all the pain and loss that the last few months have caused, do we first turn to our God? If we did, we certainly would save some time and aggravation. I have seen police officers kneeling with protestors and praying. That warms my heart. It makes me feel some peace. Maybe things are going to get better! Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  God is so much stronger to carryour burdens. Seems like when I turn to Him first, everything just seems to feel better and peaceful and fall into place. The weight on my shoulders seems lighter after I talk to my God!
  • LISTEN     Isn’t that an important part of what we have been going thru? We need to listen to our leaders when they have told us how to be safe from the virus. There are so many, including my dad, who have been in their homes for the last 3-5 months. It is easy for them to feel the loneliness from isolation! Call, text, zoom these who have been isolated and confined to their homes. Listen to them. I know that I feel better after a friend has listened to me and my burdens. The purpose of the protests is for their voices to be heard. When all of the chaos happens at night, they are taking that purpose of listening, to evil and destruction! The verse below, is talking about when people do not listen to God, and remain sinful, that God will not listen. Proverbs 1:33 reads, “But whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.” How do we overcome our negative emotions? Listen to God and His words in scripture!
  • GET OUT OF SELF     When I have any of the negative emotions, I listed above, I realize that I am in myself. I am thinking about those emotions and dwelling on them. They seem to just get bigger and bigger! But when I look around me, I realize that there are things I can do to help others. With so many out of jobs or a business is closed down, there are so many opportunities to give food-money and to help clean up the streets and business’s after the riots have destroyed them. Take food, puzzles, books to an elderly person who has been confined to their homes. This will help their loneliness. James 3:16-18 reads, “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.  Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” Takingself out of my emotions, will help me to see the bigger picture. It is not all about me and my feelings. But the service I can give to others!
  • FIND THE JOY      When we are so raw from the circumstances and the hopelessness that we feel, it is hard to think that there is anything to be joyful or positive right now. The word joy is a very powerful word. It not only refers to happiness, but to the joy of eternal life when we leave this earth; no matter what our circumstances are. Read and think about Hebrews 12:2. I have said this before and I say it again. Journal! That has helped me through some really hurtful times in my life. But journaling can also be a journal of joy. Have one special journal that you can write down, every day, three things-five things (whatever you want to) that have brought you joy, happiness or a smile. When you start thinking of the positive happenings within a day, your heavy heart feels lighter. In Isaiah 61:2-3, Isaiah says that God had given him the ability to “…comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.” I love how that reads “beauty for ashes.” There is alwayssomething to be joyful about every day. Listen to music. There are so many songs that give me hope, peace and the realization that God is right there beside me in the sorrow and the joy! It helps me to take a deep breath and realize that I am not alone. There are many things in this life, that we feel are not joyful. Maybe you are not feeling joy in your: job, marriage, deep within yourself.  If that is true, (I have had those feelings}, then it is time for an attitude adjustment. When I started back to work after two months off because of the pandemic, I had to make an attitude adjustment. Many times, in my marriage, I did not feel joy. I have felt down on myself and had to find that joy deep within my heart once again. Instead of thinking negatively about my situation or feelings, I had to adjust to feeling positive. Dig deep and find the good things about your circumstances and start dwelling and believing in them. When I have started changing my thoughts from negative to positive, it helped my find joy in whatever circumstance I am in. Sport a “tude,” a positive joyful atti”tude”!

There are a lot of good things coming out of the distress. Protestors, while walking, singing the song by Michael W. Smith “Waymaker.” People bowing down in prayer together. Police and protesters praying together, hugging each other. Millions of dollars to help those who are out of a job and hungry. We just need to focus on the good and not the bad. Limit your social media. I record the world news every night. True, we have to know about what is going on in the world around us. That gives us much needed info, but limiting it will also help us to see the good as well. I have noticed that at the end of the news, they show something positive someone has done. I love that!

I hope this blog has helped you in some way. These emotions that seem so overwhelming, seem to swallow us up at times. But when we remember that God is true to His promises and He is by our side as we navigate the unknown; we can find peace through prayer-we realize we need to get out of self and reach out to others in service-we need to listen to what God has told us in scripture and finally, look for the joy and positivity in every day.

Reach for the hope not the chaos. I will leave you with this scripture.

Isaiah 60:19-20 “The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you, but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory. Your sun shall no longer go down. Nor shall your moon withdraw itself, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and the days of your morning shall be ended.”

(I would like to suggest to everyone who is reading this blog, to listen to the song “Bleed the Same” by Mandisa. It talks about what we are going through right now in our country. We are truly, all God’s children!)

Till next time!            Keela