My heart was beating so fast! I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest! Years ago, I had to work two jobs. I was trying to get to my second job and the traffic was just not moving out of my way. I ended up getting there just a few minutes late. My co-workers were just glad I had made it safely. There are so many times life happenings can get us so stressed out! I remember, when my daughter was in grade school, she had fallen & broken her arm. Those few miles to get to the school were endless in my mind, as the stress built up inside me trying to reach my child who was badly hurt. I have recently been in the process of getting a ladies Bible class study published. It needs to be in my hands before a lady’s event coming up, where I am a vendor in a big arena, the first of next month. I have tried to return projects and answer my publisher in the quickest way possible. They know of my deadline and are working with me. But I feel stressed if I allow myself to think about it very long.
There are so many things in this life that can get us stressed out! Waiting for a loved one’s surgery to we be over, knowing that the next paycheck cannot pay all those past due bills pilling up, the piles of endless laundry & diaper changes loom in front of us or deadlines at work are quickly approaching. Some of the stress we feel can be caused by ourselves and sometimes by others. I feel the Bible is an amazing tool for us when we feel our heart beating really fast and we cannot seem to breathe. Let’s dissect the word stress and see how we can be reminded to take a step back and just breathe.
S. stands for SOLITUDE. In Matthew 14:22, Jesus was surrounded by multitudes of people. Can you imagine all the people trying to get to Jesus, just like when we go to a Royals game and the multitude of people who are all trying to leave at the same time? (Of course, the two examples have nothing to do with the other, except for the fact of so many people in the same place at the same time.) Jesus told his disciples to go on ahead of Him and He went up to a mountain by Himself to pray. Sometimes we just have to get away from all the busyness and all the people demanding our time, and refocus by praying and slowing down from our hectic pace of life. I, personally, like to sit out on my patio-look at God’s nature-pray and read from His word.
T. stands for TIME. Some days there just seems like there are not enough hours in the day. We get the kids off to school, work a long day and then return home to the routine of supper and helping kids with homework and getting them and you to bed in a timely manner. Then, we wake up the next morning to do it all over again. The key is to find time in the day to refocus on what is important in your life and be thankful for them. Maybe while driving into and home from, work you can pray to God, (with your eyes open of course!) Change your day to day routine attitude, to an attitude of gratitude! Jesus’ disciples thought He did not have time for the little children and wanted to send them away, in Mark 10:13-16. But Jesus saw the need for time with these little children and told the disciples that they needed to become as these little children, full of innocence and joy, to enter the kingdom of God.
R. is for RELAX and RELEASE. When I get home from an especially busy day of work, I have to sit on the couch, take a deep breath and release the day to God, hoping that I have done something for His glory that day. In 1 Peter 5:11, it tells us that we are to give God the glory. Sit and decompress from the business of your day-relax. Then, release to God the things that you do not feel you have accomplished that day. Make a list in your head, or in your journal, the things you feel that you have been able to do that day and give God the glory. End your day with positive thoughts not negative. It is a much better morning when we can wake up to positive thoughts!
E. is for ENERGIZE. I have to get enough rest and eat the right nutrients in order to feel my best. I have found that if I can take a walk every day, that I feel more energized. I take that time to pray for one member of my family or church family each day. When I lift them up in prayer during my exercise, I feel stronger both mentally and physically. We need to keep ourselves strong within and without in order to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. We need to become stronger by the knowledge that God is in control and will give us what we need when we need it. Isaiah 40:31, is one of my favorite verses of the Bible. “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” I must realize that the true energizer is the Lord!
S, stands for SING. I am not a singer! Sure, I sing to the songs on the radio or hum when I am doing things around the house. But to sing where other people are is not one of my talents. (I always feel sorry for the person in front of me at church services.) But there is a way to keep your heart singing. Think of a song and sing in your heart. It will make your heart lighter and happier! The book of Psalm is full of amazing songs to help us in our journey here on the earth. Turn to the Old Testament book and read. It is full of examples of songs the people of God sang. Some of the songs in this book of the Bible are songs when the people of God, especially David, were going through trials. But it is also full of songs that were joyful and full of praise for what God had done for them and us. There are so many amazing “church” songs that we have been brought up singing, that can help us through a stressful day.
S. stands for SAVOR. Time goes by so quickly! My great granddaughter will soon be 1 year old! (How can I actually say that I am a great grandmother? Where has the time gone when my granddaughter was this age!) My new grandbaby is showing so much personality, already at 4 months! I was just there to be with my daughter and family in January. My grandbaby has already changed in just a few short months! Don’t keep looking into the unknown future or back at the wisp of time called the past! Savor today! When we eat a good meal, we savor every bite, we are in that moment of time enjoying that tasty morsel. James 4:14 says, “Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” Savor each morsel of this moment in time!
How do we combat STRESS? We find solitude-alone time with God. Second, we use our TIME wisely and for the glory of God. Thirdly, we RELAX & RELEASE. Take a deep cleansing breath and release the day to God. The fourth one, is to ENERGIZE. Find strength in God to keep on keeping on! Fifth, SING. To sing is an action word. Singing helps keep our heart happy and helps us remember what is truly important. And sixth, is to SAVOR today. Right now, is the one moment in time that will never be with you again. How are you savoring your time?
The next time you feel your heart beating so fast because of a stressful situation, remember how we can combat that feeling of stress. Make that word stress into something for the glory of God. When you come to the end of your rope because of stress, which is trying to strangle you, let go and fall into the loving arms of Jesus!
Till next time. Keela