When you look at the picture above, what is the first thing you see? Last month, I was blessed to be a vendor at a lady’s event in an arena. I was so happy to be closer to the front door area and by a couple of the speakers. Got my booth sat up and sent pictures to my son and several others. My son called me and asked me if I knew what that big sign behind me was advertising. I had thought that maybe it was advertising an alcoholic beverage and he confirmed. I tried to put a trash bag over the sign but it kept falling down. Then, I realized that was not the only sign in the arena. Alcoholic signs were everywhere! Arenas are usually used for events that have nothing to do with religious events. That is the way of the world. No matter what, we cannot get away from the world.

There are some religious groups who isolate themselves from the world and do not let the world enter into their group. They try to separate themselves from the reality of what the world holds. They are kind compassionate people but because of their isolating from the world, they do not have the availability to share their beliefs with the world. I hold nothing against their views, after all they are trying to keep their families safe and away from the sinfulness of the world. But is that what God wants us to do?

This sign got me thinking. Isn’t it true that we are to live in the world but do not become a part of the world? Let’s look at a couple of scriptures.

Matthew 5:16 reads “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” 

In Colossians 1:9-14, Paul tells the Colossians brethren that he had been praying for them. It reads “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you might walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy, giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”

Just one more verse. John 1:3-5 reads “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Let’s think about a few things after reading those scriptures. What does there have to be in order to show light? Darkness! Several years ago, my husband, daughter and I were on a tram ride through a beautiful cave. At a certain point, they turned out all the lights. Fear gripped my heart!  Total and complete darkness! Have you ever been in a situation where it was pitch dark, when you could not even see your hand in front of your face? In our tour of the cave, it seemed like hours before the guide spoke, but it was actually only a few seconds. He lit a candle. Where did everyone’s eyes go to? To that light of course! I felt a sense of peace, taking away that fear of the darkness. In order for us to be seen we have to be in the world. We have to take action to shine our light for others to see. We have to work and be amongst those who are in the middle of darkness of this world. We have to go to the store and shine our lights, when someone, in front of us, does not have enough money to pay for the few items they have in their basket. Do you pretend you do not notice? We all have to drive with those around us, who are cutting us off in traffic. What do you say or show?

In any of the struggles you are or have faced, how are you letting your light shine, even in the middle of the darkness? There have been several times in my life, that I felt like darkness was surrounding me trying to snuff out my light. When I have dwelt on the things that were going on, it just pulls me even further into the darkness. But when I have taken a deep breath, opened my Bible and read scripture or was just still meditating & praying, God helped me to see His light. Even though it was down a dark tunnel, I could see God’s light shining, pulling myself into its radiance once again. Sometimes, when I step back and do something for someone else, I can refocus on what is truly important and can even find peace and even a solution to my present trial.

In order to be a light for others, we have to keep that light burning. We have to spend time with God in order to get that light from Him. During the pandemic, there are so many things we could not do, but yet we have been able to find ways to shine our lights for the Lord. We have to put action into letting our lights shine to the world. We have to get out amongst the dark world in order for out lights to shine, so that the world will seek us when they are having a hard time. They can be assured that our lights are from God. They will reach out trying to get some of our lights within their dark hearts.

In the New Testament, God shows us that He sent His only Son to the darkness of this world, to be an example for us and to save us. Think about this! Jesus, our greatest example, was sent to this world to seek and save those who were sinning or were afflicted (Luke 19:10) He was around a prostitute-eating with tax collectors and sinners-people who were constantly trying to “trip” Him up with their reasoning and finally succeeded by killing Him on a cross. He was around people with leprosy and others who were needing His healing touch or words. Jesus showed us that the only way to shine our lights to this dark world is to come to people where they are and show them the way of eternal life!

It has been almost two months since I published in my blog. My life has not been my own. I have had tests done. (all is well) I have worked a lot of hours during that time. I cannot physically handle the hours like I could when I was younger. When I get home my mind and body are frazzled. I am blessed to still have my dad. What a blessing he is and has always been in my life! I am very thankful and blessed that I can help him when needed on my days off. What I am getting at with all of that, is I have been busy. But I have to think, and turn back to the thoughts, of what is important in this life. Hopefully I have let my light shine through all the busyness of these last few months. Hopefully I have helped to lighten someone’s load or caused them to realize they are living in the dark and they need to search for the true light that comes from God through us. Hopefully I have made a way for someone else to be blessed.

Those of us in that arena that day, who had a sign behind them advertising alcohol, realized that we needed to let our lights shine. There is just not anything we can do about living in this world. I doubt too many women that were able to be at that event or those who watched virtually, even thought I was advertising for that alcohol brand. The ladies there and watching, were there to learn more about God and be amongst other women to be encouraged by their stories and their lights. When I am there, I feel like that is one of my purposes while here on this earth. I want to be able to share and be an inspiration to women through the struggles I have had and when my light was dim, how God helped me to remember He and His light are always by my side and there really is hope when God is the center of our lives.

Well, I said all of that to say “my name is not Jack!” My identity is in what the Lord calls me. I am His daughter. A daughter of the King! We all must be in this world to be able to shine our lights and guide others to our blessed Lord and Savior! Thank you, God, for giving us the ability to shine Your light to others!

Till next time!




How is that barn still standing? On my way to work, I go a back way to avoid a busy highway. One barn I see, is close to the road. One corner, that I can see, is still standing, but the rest of the barn has started falling apart all around it. I can tell that it was red but the paint has long ago started chipping away and fading from the sun. Parts of the roof are trying to cave in. Some boards are splintering away and if you were in the middle of the barn, you would feel quite a breeze! I am sure little creatures, have found their way into it and made it their home. I can tell there are things inside the barn. I wonder what treasures a person could find if they dared the hazards of going inside? But what interests me the most, is that only one corner, on this side of the barn is still holding the structure up. The barn has three other corners but I cannot see them from the road. It has no walls helping to hold it up. It is just standing there so strong and tall. Keeping the secrets and treasures it holds intact. It is built on a cornerstone, which anchors the entire structure together. That is what is making it so strong and still standing after years of wind, rain, snow, heat and cold. Through the years, this barn has weathered who knows what, but yet it is still standing, even though it is beat up-broken-falling down, thanks to the cornerstone that was poured so many years ago! The cornerstone is keeping the building standing.

There is a show on tv called “Barn Builders.” I love the fact that in the show, they tear down barns piece by piece, carefully documenting how it was built so many years ago. Then, they “put it all back together” for another owner who might be miles away. I have always liked to look at barns for some reason. I can imagine that the old barns were part of a large plot of land where farmers and their families toiled all of there lives. What stories I would love to hear about who lived there and erected that barn so many years ago. But it is evident that whoever built it originally, knew the importance of a strong cornerstone.

I started thinking that our lives are like that barn. We are broken-falling apart- been “chipped” at-feel like we will fall at any minute because of the pressures of this world on us. The year of 2020, in some ways was like that. So many family members passed away because of the coronavirus-business owners had to close their doors, some forever-families who had not ever experienced anything like this, were literally hungry, standing in lines for hours just trying to get food for their families for that day! The fear encompassed us of even getting out of our homes and breathing the same air that was so full of the virus. For months, we were not able to go to church services. Much of this made so many fearful like they had never before felt.

But guess what, the Bible tells us that WE have a chief cornerstone. That stone is Jesus. In Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah foretells about Jesus.  “Therefore, thus says the Lord God. Behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation. A tried stone, a precious cornerstone a sure foundation.”  There are many scriptures that tell us that Jesus is our chief cornerstone. But I will just have you look at, 1 Peter 2-10.

“Coming to Him as a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is also contained in the Scripture. ‘Behold, I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.’ Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious, but to those who are disobedient, ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,’ and ‘A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.’ They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light; who were once not a people but now are the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

In ancient buildings, the cornerstone was first situated on the foundation and then all of the other stones were aligned to it. The cornerstone is still today, an important part of keeping a structure secure. The Cornerstone of Jesus, is important to us to keep us secure. That Cornerstone of Jesus also keeps us standing. When the “wind, rain and snow” of this world threatens to make us fall, that Cornerstone of Jesus will keep us upright. We may be torn up, feel that all is hopeless, painful physically and mentally, fearful, we may be leaning a bit, but the Cornerstone, of Jesus, keeps us standing and is always there with us if we just reach out to Him.

Unlike the Old Testament priesthood, in which only those who were born into a certain tribe could be priests, all who are reborn into God’s family, that is, all believers and who obey His word, are priest who have the privilege and responsibility of offering spiritual sacrifices to God. There are several phrases in the scripture above that show me that we are loved by God. “A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people.”

I always wonder if that barn is still standing when I head to work. But so far that strong cornerstone is keeping it from falling. That old barn reminds me that Jesus, as the chief cornerstone, is holding me up. When my husband, grandparents, mother, my pet, my precious friends and mentors, all left this earth, and the days are hard, He was and is strong and keeping me going. I might feel let down by this world, but my God, through His Son Jesus, has and will keep me putting one step in front of the other.

Old barns. I love them! They remind me that I need to hold onto God’s promises when times get tough. Even when we are leaning because of this world, He has a hold of us. He is helping you stand up and keep going. Put Jesus, as the Chief Cornerstone, into your life. You will be glad you did!

Till next time. Keela




On the way to pick up my dad to take him several places, I go the back way and drive by a lot of land. There is a beautiful horse ranch with horses framing the beauty of the countryside. I was also noticing the deer tracks and other animals’ tracks interweaving into the snow. The sun made the snow just glimmer, like little diamonds! A dear friend of mine had passed away the day before and my first thought was, ‘Oh, how Lillie would have liked to see all that beauty.’ That night while watching the news, they showed a little boy about 2 or 3 helping his daddy shovel the snow in their driveway. He even had a little shovel. I thought ‘Lillie would have loved that sight.’

My mother and I liked to watch several series on tv and there was one she and I particularly liked. The actual home it was filmed in is a huge mansion in England. I was born in England and I had dreamed that we could go back there to visit the places that I had been to as a child and also go tour the mansion shown on the show, with my mother. She has been gone five years now. I remember the last show of the series, thinking ‘Oh, no, mother is missing the end!’

Isn’t it funny the things that our minds think about after a death of someone we love, in our process of healing amongst the grief? I know exactly where they both had gone after their deaths. They both lived lives, shining their lights for the Lord, every day. They were an example of what a Christian woman should be, for others to follow. They both influenced so many people, including me, to be a better woman of God.

As I am writing this in my car, while waiting for my dad, I mentally called myself a ‘ding-dong.’ Then, I started smiling through the fresh grief of my friend. My friend, in heaven, is seeing such unimaginably shimmering sights that are far more beautiful than the sun glimmering on the snow like diamonds.  I could picture her loving on and playing with all those children who have been murdered through abortion or other tragic ways of death. She was experiencing much more joy, than I am and will ever see!

Then, I thought about my mother in heaven and what she was experiencing. She was seeing the best “show” than we will ever see here on this earth! My mother loved to research about gemstones and loved her diamonds. She did a speech at one of my ladies’ days about gemstones and how they connected to the vision of a heavenly home. There are so many verses in the Bible, that talk about our heavenly home, but I will only show you one.

Revelation 21 shows us a view into heaven, spoken so that our earthly minds can try to understand its grandeur. Some of what is mentioned there are: “…city of pure gold, like clear glass…”   “…the foundations of the walls of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones…” Some of the stones listed here are: jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, beryl, topaz, amethyst. The text tells us the gates to this magnificent city, are a huge pearl. “The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God illuminated it.” “…there shall be no night there…”  “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

That last verse hits all of us in the year we just put behind us. 2020 will be written in history books as one of the most difficult year worldwide.  Those who died of the pandemic, did not have any family to help them transition into the eternal part of their souls. But God was with them helping them to go thru the door from earthly to heavenly. The first two months of this year of 2021, have not started out as fresh and free from suffering as we had hoped. The people who stormed the capitol that day in January were painful to watch. What about the families of those killed in that horrible riot? I cannot even imagine the fear of the police, security and the people who were hiding in fear of their lives that day. Once we, who have done our best to follow God’s law, are blessed to go thru that door into eternity, we will not feel fear, pain, suffering, darkness and what it might hold, no more loosing those we love to death and all the sorrow and grief that brings us through the rest of our earthly lives.

The sinful-evil-hateful people of this world also are told what will happen to them, if they do not turn towards God and turn away from their sinful ways. There are many verses in the Bible that tell them where they are headed when they leave this earth thru death. One of the passages is in Mark 9:42-48, which gives us a picture of what hell will be like. The verses tell us that if sin tries to wiggle its way into our hearts, that it is better to cut that out of our lives. The verses are Jesus speaking and He uses the symbolism of three parts of our physical body that we should cut off if it is causing us to sin: the hand-foot and eye. They tell us that if we do not repent and get rid of what is causing us to sin, that we will be “…cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where their worm does not die. And the fire is not quenched.” It also tells us if we cause someone or ourselves to practice sin, it is “…better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.” A millstone is an extremely heavy circular stone, three to four feet across and about a foot thick, used to grind grain into flour, etc. So, in other words, if we had this around our necks, we would definitely sink to the depths of the sea and die.

Which one of the eternal places would you like to go? I know I want to strive to go to a heavenly home. It does not mean I am perfect-that my mother was perfect-or that my friend was perfect. We have all made and will make, bad decisions in our lives in the past, present or future. But the difference in one trying to live their lives for the Lord, is that we have learned, do learn and will learn from those mistakes and make a better life so that we can have joy in an eternal home in heaven!

I have shed many tears in the last few days and the grief is fresh. But as I have found after losing my mother and the fresh grief I experienced then, that the grief never totally goes away, but that grief can be changed into joy, because of the beauty they are seeing and experiencing-the sights and the “shows” that sparkle like diamonds. I will see both of them one day. I have to try to live the best life I can here on this earth, learn from my mistakes-my sin, and try to shine my light for others to see Jesus reflected in that light. I will make the choice when those sad times come, to remember the good times and the fact that I am a much better person because of the light and love they showered over me.

My first book, “Finding the Light in the Darkness,” I dedicated to my husband who has been gone for eleven years. My second book, “God’s Beauty Plan,” I dedicated to my mother. This blog I want to dedicate to my precious friend, Lillie. Thank you for your laughter and fun times we had! Thank you for confiding in me and letting me cry on your shoulder when the hard times came for each of us! Thank you for your example and strength to help me live a better life as a Christian woman! With tears in my eyes, I will miss you on this earth but will rejoice one day when we can see each other once again.

I hope you will give these words some thought. Think about your life and maybe there are some changes you need to make. Keep shining your light, like diamonds in the snow, to help lead others to Christ and the promise we have of eternal life one day when we leave this sinful world.

Thank you, Lillie, my precious friend!

Till next time!                                          Keela



The world just became a safer place. My oldest grandson graduated from the police academy last night. Our country right now, is not a safe place. But this young man just made a huge decision for the career he wants to follow. He is such a special, caring, respectful person. He will do good in this profession. As a nana, it is a scary thing to think of her grandson out there in the world meeting angry-sinful people. I am sure he will see things that he never thought he would see.  But he will help to make this country better. He made the decision to serve others.

Thinking back on my life, I can think of many decisions I made that were not good. I can also think of decisions I made that were for the good. Have you ever really thought about that? I made the decision when I was just a baby of seventeen to marry my husband. I had no idea of what the future held for my husband and I. Would I have made the same decision, even knowing what was in our future? Yes, I can truthfully say! I am sure some of the decisions I made caused heartache at times but also joy. Besides, simply said, if I had not made that decision to marry, my grandson would not be here to become a police officer.

There are some decisions that turn our lives into a mess. Think about the alcoholic who takes that first drink and then the next and the next. Those choices could lead to losing a job, family, even their lives. What about on that day last month, when the thousands of people took their anger to a volatile decision to try to take siege of the capitol building. Their actions caused rioting, jail time and even death. There are some decisions we cannot come back from. Or can we?

There is a song by Casting Crowns called “Start Right Here.” The song says that we can make a difference if we will make the decision to start right now to make this world a better place by us just being in it and taking action. Some of the words are: “We’re the people who are called by His name. If we’ll surrender all our pride and turn from our ways, He will hear from heaven and forgive our sin……It’s got to start right here It’s got to start now.” We as Christian men and women, need to make a decision, right now, to make the world we live in, a better place for our future generations, by the decisions we make right now! If some of your decisions, make you feel that you can not come back from them or be forgiven, think again. The Bible is full of forgiveness for you!

Do the words of that song make you think of something you have heard before? 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” In the Old Testament and the New Testament, God tells us that we need to make better decisions. Over and over again, He took care of the Israelites even after they had sinned and once again, turned back to Him. God wants us to make better decisions for our well being physically and spiritually.

My mother’s favorite verses in the Bible are Ephesians 3:20-21. “Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” God can use us to do great things. He works His power in and through us when we make the right decisions. It takes action to be forgiven and our land healed. My mother always used to say when she heard the words, ‘somebody will do it’, that somebody needs to be us. We need to stand up and proclaim the love of God and help others see, by our lights, that the only true decision is turning our lives over to God and following the purpose God has created us.

But you are saying, I have done so many wrong-sinful things that surely God could not ever forgive me. Bad decisions. God sent Jesus to save the sinner. Jesus was seen time and time again with sinful people talking to them and showing His love. God can do amazing things if we just make the decision to become a follower of His. No matter what we are doing or have done, He is always ready to take us into His arms and help us heal. I know now that all those negative decisions-all those positive decisions have led up to me writing two books and this blog. I have a story to tell that can help heal someone else’s hurts by opening up about what I have gone through.

The decisions we make can be for God’s glory or can lead us down a path of darkness. When you have a big or little decision to make, pray that God will help you to make the right one. We need to make decisions based on serving others, not serving ourselves. When we do that, we are making the right decisions!

 I will pray for my grandson every day that the good Lord will look over him and help him to be safe and to make right decisions. Let’s start making the right decisions from today-start right now. God is waiting with open arms. Decisions. What decisions are you making today?

Till next time.                              Keela

(The picture at the first of this blog is my grandson and my son. Thank you, God, for both of them!)




Papa Judge. That is what my only first cousin, Keena and my brother called our grandfather on my mother’s side of the family. What an amazing man and grandfather he was! He and my grandmother lived in another state. Our family would go there twice a year to see them. I remember in the car, as a child, sitting on my mother’s lap, as we turned the corner before we got to their home-store. She would comb my hair and get me ready to see them. What fun my cousin and I had playing together there! Papa Judge and my grandmother owned and lived behind an old country store with a pot belly stove in the corner. I remember old men sitting by that stove and playing dominoes. My cousin, brother and I could get fudgsicles or a pop out of the old fashion freezer and coke machine, at any time. Papa Judge let us get whatever we wanted. I remember, when we would be ready to head back home, that he would fill a big black purse I had, full of candy from his candy counter. My mother told us about a time that Papa Judge had been “babying” a peach tree, looking forward to the time he could pick that luscious fruit. Well, you guessed it! My cousin and I picked every one of those peaches off that tree, way before they were ready to be picked! Oops! Papa Judge never fussed at us or punished us. He just threw them away. I remember him tickling us and playing whatever our little minds came up with. When we played cards, I remember him pulling out a card from his shirtsleeve at exactly the right moment and us grandkids howling with laughter. He was the best grandfather a little girl could ever have!

I know it is a blessing to be able to have those memories and so many more. There are so many who never even knew their grandparents or have grandparents who they were lucky to not be around. I was blessed to get to know all of my grandparents. They were all amazing. My grandmother taught me how to sew. She helped me sew several tops when I was pregnant with my first son. I was blessed to live close by my other set of grandparents. Thank you, God, that they were all such amazing faithful believers in God!! I feel my family have given me the example of love for God and the Christian examples to follow. So, you are thinking, if I did not have grandparents who followed God, there is no hope for me. Absolutely not! Not saying that at all. We make our own decisions and follow our own paths. Knowing God and following His commandments does not depend on our family, whether they were believers or not. It depends totally, 100%, on our choices and the direction we want to be headed eternally. I have said before, that when we stand before our Lord, we cannot depend on our grandparents, our parents, our spouse or anyone who has been faithful who touched our lives, to get us a free ride into heaven. 

In our Wednesday night Bible class at church, we have started a study in Judges. We are only in the fourth chapter and the Bible says several times, “The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.” I would say most of you have heard of Joshua from the Bible. He is the faithful, great leader of the Israelites who said in Joshua 24:15 “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served that were on the other side of the River or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” We see time and time again after a great leader of God, that a generation or even their own children, followed their own path and did not serve the Lord. In Judges 2:10, after Joshua died, the Bible reads, “When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, (died) another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord and the work which He had done for Israel.”

Wow! How can that even happen? How can a person live their lives for God in all they do, and then their children-their grandchildren-their great grandchildren do not follow their example of faithfulness to the Lord? Do you have that in your family already? I am sure that will happen in the future generations I will not even know. Is it hopeless? Not at all. In the Old Testament, time and time again, we see the Israelite leaders who were great followers of God, their children fell away from God and we see that their future generations did the same. But then, once again, we see a great leader appear who follows and serves God.

We see, in the news, the people who have been arrested for the assault on the capital and the police, how destructive and the hate that they are showing because of their actions. As a mother and grandmother, I have thought, I wonder what their mother and grandmother are saying right now about their actions? Can their parent or grandparent say they are proud to call them a family member? Do you think they are telling others that destructive, lawless person is related to them? What about generations to come, what will they think? Will they see God in the actions that were done on that day? We see from the past and from the present, that there are people who follow God all their lives and then a generation after them, turns away from God. The good turning to bad, has always been. Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 says “That which has been is what will be. That which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, ‘see this is new’? It has already been in ancient times before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come by those who will come after.”

So, what hope is there if any? Of course, there is as long as there is breath in our lungs! How can we as followers of God help those family members or those who will come in the future, to follow your example of living with God and having God in your heart? The Bible tells us that falling away from God and then those who live for God, has always been in history.

You are waiting for me to give you some magical answers. But I cannot. All I can say is as long as there is breath in your lungs, continue to be a good example. Continue to have hope in your heart for their souls. Continue to serve through your actions, of what a follower of God should be. Continue to pray for them and future generations. Be transparent with your failures and your sinfulness. No one is perfect or without sin in their lives. And what I have had to realize, is that especially, when they become an adult, they make their own choices and follow their own path, no matter what type of example you are or have been for them. It is all in our own hearts that leads us to service for the Lord. Can a parent or grandparent be the one who leads your family to God? Of course, but it is the individual’s decision whether to continue in that faithfulness.

So, what does this have to do with my Papa Judge? It has everything to do with my Papa Judge and other family members, who have been a good example of faithfulness to me. But it also has everything to do with whether I follow their example or not. I make my own choices. God has given us that right-that privilege. Just like, this country has given us the freedom to follow what is right or, as the horror at the capitol building showed, to take advantage of that freedom and what it truly means.

All I can do is to serve and follow God to the best of my ability. Will I make wrong choices that could affect future generations? Yes, but the final answer is everyone chooses their own path. All I can do is to serve and follow God to the best of my ability until the last breath leaves my body.

I know that I was blessed to have previous generations who followed God and taught me by their examples what living a Christian life is like. There are so many who have overcome the challenge of not having those examples and they became amazing leaders of God.

I was blessed several years ago, to go to that shell of a store that I have so many fond memories. I could visualize that old stove in the corner of the store and the men who sat there playing dominos. Both my grandparents are buried in the little cemetery at that corner that so many years ago, I remember my mother combing my hair as I sat on her lap. The trees at that corner do not seem as big as I remember when I was a child. That generation has left this earth and are now in the arms of our Lord. I pray that sometime through the generations to come in my family, that they will have heard about me and I can still reach through time and help them in, some way to know their God. The picture at the first of this blog, is my papa judge and me. I was upset about something and he is trying to make it better. Many years have gone by since this picture was taken but when I look at it now, I can feel the love reaching through the years. I try to keep him alive through telling my grandchildren about him. When I look in my oldest sons’ eyes, I see the reflection of the powder blue eyes my grandfather had.

Papa Judge, thank you for being that amazing grandfather and example of a godly man for me and generations to come. I hope I can also be that type of influence to generations to come.

Till next time!                                       Keela